Monday, July 21, 2008

The Fractal Look (Temporal exhibition)

All rights reserved

Temporal exhibition.
Author: Stephen R. Mingle / Gonzo ®
Dates: 8, July - until September

A brief introduction to the neo baroque work of this American artist. The look built of remnants, the digital collage inspired of Renaissance air, the hilarious criticism, the light, the light. A small journey of 360 degrees, too brief. You should rotate to getting drunk, then will want to know more.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Make Me Smile Although It Aches (Temporal Exhibition)

All rights reserved

Temporal exhibition.
Author: Esco & Güilmon.
Dates: 8, July - until September.

Do you have a mortgage?

Have you gone to a place that you did not desire because someone paid you the journey?

Do you see things that they produce bad flavor in the mouth?

Are you afraid of your physical therapist?

Why have the censure so bad smell?

Not many options in your life?

You do the things halfway?

Who is behind your avatar?

You will not find answers in this exhibition, perhaps you smile, perhaps you cry

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Inauguration of The Gallery

    It is with great pleasure that the owners of The Red Leaf Art Gallery invite you to join them at a reception to celebrate the opening of their first exhibits in Second Life ®.

Sandplum Denja and Esco Axelrad will be greeting visitors on Tuesday, July 8 at 14:00 SLT (2 pm). A second reception will begin later that day at 22:00 SLT (10 pm). The Red Leaf Art Gallery is located on La Rambla in Barcelona del Oeste (96,175,23). Please visit us and share our joy!

The Red Leaf Art Gallery
located on La Rambla in Second Life
Barcelona del Oeste (96,175,23)